« Odpowiedz #1 : Marzec 10, 2009, 18:32:54 » |
How about "How come one has to be a moron to write a book that actually sells in Poland?" or "Have you ever been brutally raped by an ET entity without a condom? How was he?".
Naturally, we shall come up with something more sophisticated, shouldn't we? Well, try this "Provided your prepostrous theory proves to be true (however unlikly and weird it may seem), how will you feel about all those pityful, narrowminded people who didn't trust nor follow you? Do you think you can show sympathy or will you consider them pathetic and guilty of their own damnation? In a nutshell - are you doing something FOR the humanity and your fellow-creatures or just for the sake of survival?".
And, finally, if you don't want to offend Mr "the world's goin' to end in 2012" and ask him something "constructive", try this:
"Today's epoch of the so called "New Age" mysticism seems to share it's ideological and formal core with the other areas of modern (postmodern, precisely) world - political ideology, multifarious religious movements (of which it is a part) and other - it is a mixture of different, inconsistent and chaotic elements freely added and removed from old theories and systems - theosophy, antroposophy, gnosis, different judeo-christian sources, shallow layer of the east philosophy etc. It is created for modern people, modern personalities - unwilling to absorb anything more complicated or meaningful than a Harry Potter sort of novel. The 2012 panic is not a bit different, taking its roots from "ancient" knowledge, which easily becomes a firm pliability evidence for people tired with technology, searching something to feel their spiritual gap. Well, udoubtedly you are doing well. But dont you have the utmost feeling that you contribute to something destructive, something on the verge of spiritual-popculture on the one hand and so called, alleged "science" on the other?"
NapisaÂłem od razu po angielsku, Âżeby komuÂś oszczĂŞdziĂŚ tÂłumaczenia... (Pana G. Âżaden kosmita nie nauczyÂł jeszcze chyba polskiego, prawda?). Swoja droga, on jest walonem czy flamandem?